September 2020
Before the Security Scan Part 2
By Ellen Koskinen-Dodgson
When you run vulnerability scans or pen tests, best practice is to first lay groundwork and “clean up your act,” data-wise. The scan can then be a report card as well as a road map. Previously, we addressed foundational issues: creating a Security Committee, identifying critical or sensitive information and identifying the risks. Now we discuss prioritizing risks and establishing mitigation plans, as well as adopting recommendations from a scan.
Whoops! Human-Caused Risks
By Guy Robertson
The most destructive human-caused risk to any organization is war, with civil unrest and rioting coming in as close seconds. Luckily, the most common human-caused threats are less dramatic, but in some cases, they can also cause extensive damage. Apathy, carelessness, forgetfulness, inattention, and ignorance are such widespread concerns, that it’s safe to assume that every organization has suffered because of them.
5G Update
By Peter Aggus
We were promised lots—but, as is typical for complex developments, rollout takes time. So what is going on? Time for a closer look at what Canadians can now do with 5G and when the promised “big gains” will arrive. Should you switch to 5G now, or keep waiting? Who is offering service? Are there many 5G phones available yet? How might all of this be affected if Canada opts to join other countries and remove Huawei equipment from the networks?
Bridging the Skills Gap
By Elleni Koskinen
The digital skills gap is an issue currently affecting organizations around the world. Even the most technologically advanced companies are coming face-to-face with the reality that the work is evolving faster than their workforce. With a lack of digital skills within their own people, and a very limited number of trained graduates emerging into the candidate pool, what are these companies to do?